Master your feelings

Friends, I hope you have been paying attention to your feelings. For a few seconds stop reading and ask ” how am I feeling – good ? enthusiastic? joyous ? This awareness of your feeling at any given moment will guide you to change your energy, if needed, to shape your desired destiny.

Consciously or unconsciously, it is you and yes, only you my friend who creates your reality ! How? – well by your thoughts, beliefs and feelings ! So, for a successful conscious creator you need to become proficient at being aware of your feelings.

Now, why do I ask you to “Master your feelings ?” Well usually people consider themselves to be victims of their circumstances, don’t they ? But they are the creators, they cannot be victims , alas they don’t believe it to be so. They ask how can they feel good, ecstatic, or happy when everything seems to be going the wrong way ?

Friends, you are powerful beyond measure and so to speak reality will bend to your command ! You need to decide and declare “I choose to feel great, happy, healthy, rich, beautiful or anything you wish and breathe slowly till you feel joyous, expansive sensation in your heart. Yes, you can do it.

Our quantum field is infinite. We have limitless energy. It can morph into anything we wish. There is no dearth of anything. There cannot be ! What we lack is the desire to change our feeling and belief to match the thing we wish to have.

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