It is an inside job

Believe it or not, my friends, it is indeed an inside job ! If you have a dream, may be for that promotion you have been expecting for past two years, or that vibrant health your astrologer has been predicting or that beautiful house by the lake or whatever or wherever it is, do not look for any sign of it’s manifestation OUTSIDE of you in the so called physical reality.

Look within you friends ! You will get the first signs of manifestation of your dream in your heart, believe it or not. The world around you may appear more beautiful, more friendly to you now than it did last month. You will find it easy and natural to smile and laugh with your family and friends.

So, what causes this good mood ? You see, when you have a dream, and you are following your dream by maintaining an elevated emotion (feeling happy believing you have already achieved your dream before it has done so in your physical reality), this elevated emotion changes the very chemistry of your body resulting in your good mood.

Friends, manifesting your desires or dreams is an inside job. Outside world cannot help you with it. So, if you find yourself feeling happier and/or healthier for no special reason, know your dream is going to manifest one way or the other soon.

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