Take off the mask, my friends, your life would be much easier. You make your life complicated – you wear different masks for different people to, supposedly, impress them or to be approved by them. You put on a mask for your parents, a different one for your children, for your spouse, for your boss, for your friends ! It is not necessary to do so. Just be you, the true-you that you are ! You have come pre-approved, pre-approved, just as you are, by the One that really matters !
At least take off your mask for your own self-knowledge ! You need to know who or what you truly are ! You need to know your own powers. Ask yourself “who am I ? ” and the easiest way to get started on the journey of self-discovery is to learn to love yourself un-conditionally !
Yes, I know you are busy working for the desired name, fame and success. You may even think the question “who am I “is for people who have nothing better to do at the moment, but alas my friends the answer to this question will open the treasure box for you, to you, the very treasure you are looking for !
When you know who or what you are, you would know your true powers. Once you know your powers you would be free of your limiting beliefs blocking your progress, and you would achieve all the name, fame and success your heart ever desired !
Yes, we need to take off our mask to truly know who we are.