Recently I had posted several blogs on the subject of true SELF and unconditional LOVE. From the blogs it would have become obvious that to be aware of SELF you need to vibrate at the frequency of LOVE, and to experience unconditional LOVE you had to be consciously aware of your true SELF.

Friends you already know that your logical mind cannot accept anything unconditionally. It must find a reason to accept a thing, and as soon as the reason is changed or removed it will reject it !

So, it seems you need to know SELF to experience LOVE and you need to know LOVE to experience SELF. The words SELF and LOVE appear interchangeable, don’t they, but they are not ? Remember sages and seers used to say God is love, but you need to know both. Actually if you know one you will automatically know the other.

If you have missed my earlier blogs on the subject, I suggest do read them now to get clear on what I mean by LOVE. No, love is not an emotion that your analytical mind can grasp. In truth love is beyond the comprehension of your mind, so don’t even try to understand it logically.

So far so good but then the question arises ‘why should one try to relearn to LOVE and practice to become aware of SELF ?’
In short –
– its presence in your life will make you happy for no apparent reason, because it will keep you aligned with All That Is, the Creator.
– Your life becomes effortless because you will not suffer from limiting or negative beliefs (for long). When you know your SELF, your true power, you cannot have any negative beliefs about yourself.
– You will have the power to shift your so called physical reality instantaneously if you so wished, and create the life of your dreams without lifting a finger ! Now, you are the ultimate magician !

Friends, to take back your power, I encourage you to learn to Love and to become aware of your true Self. Believe me, it is our natural state, and thus comes easily to us.

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