Game has changed

Yes, friends, the game has changed. You don’t need to work hard for success. You need to feel love for it. The inner joy that you may feel doing it will make success inevitable for you.

I think I should clarify that the love I talk about is the unconditional one, with no conditions attached to it. If there are any conditions, then it is no more love. But our ego mind, the analytical mind, that I call the little “i”, never agrees to anything without a condition. It must find a reason to love something, to appreciate something, to do something. You must fulfill the condition for it to love you. So, to overcome its resistance you must connect with your ever loving, ever present True Self, the boundless non-physical Awareness that you truly are. In my earlier blogs I have explained how to be aware of your True Self.

So, how do you become aware of unconditional love ? What is the difference between love and unconditional love? It is quite easy. When you love someone or something unconditionally, you feel happy. You feel happy just because She/he/it is in your life ! Its sheer presence is enough to make you happy. You don’t expect it to change to please you. You don’t hold it responsible for your happiness ! You love it, you give it permission to be itself as it is !

Now, when you practice loving yourself or loving life, you will know to what extent you have succeeded in doing so. It is time to re-learn to love yourSelf.

So, then the next question would be – how do you use the magical power of unconditional love in your day-to-day life ? Well, just as you put on your dancing shoes to dance, you put on your glasses of love to see, to sense, to perceive the world ! You see everything through a lens of love/compassion. You might face a lot of resistance from your limiting beliefs, but then friends, beliefs are yours to choose. You can change them.

Enjoy the Holidays !

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