A long time ago, I had gone to a spiritual gathering to meet a famous Guru, when I had considered myself a seeker (of course I didn’t know what I was seeking), and as it is obvious, I didn’t know the Source of everything that I hoped to find somewhere out there, was within me. When my turn came, I stood in front of the Guru. He looked at me and said “Love God”. Before I could say a word I was pushed ahead by the long queue waiting behind me. So, I had no option but to walk away with my questions burning within my heart. Guru’s mandate was “Love God” , but how could I do that when I had no idea what love was and who or what and anyways, where was God. The sermon to “Love God” didn’t make any sense to me then.
Friends, it took me decades to catch that illusive God, who is not illusive at all, as it turned out, who is always with me and who loved me into existence!
Because it took me decades to realize SELF, an extension of God, I keep writing books, blogs and articles about it so that you, my friend, could get it in seconds!
Now, let us continue from my earlier blog. So then, theoretically you know your SELF, your True Self is boundless Awareness, aware and present 24/7. But to make this theory truly effective for the analytical mind, the little ‘i’, you need to make a paradigm shift in your consciousness. The core belief that you need to un-learn or change is that there is nothing physical about our universe. Everything is just energy vibrating at its unique frequency. Physicality is an illusion. Now that science has proven it, your analytical mind may grudgingly accept the possibility of the non-physical Awareness as your SELF, your True self.
So, now you know you are a non-physical being having a physical experience in this 3D world. But, you have still to know the guy, the silent witness, your True Self, who is aware of your experiences ! That guy is the magician ! You need to catch it, hold it fast and never let it go !
So, how do you do that ? Well, you need to turn your search engine, the focus of your analytical mind, back to your Self, to your heart, your head, where you think your SELF was looking out from. For most people it is somewhere in the center of their head, which I call Mind’s eye. You can check it out for yourself. Usually when you are busy thinking , you will find your inner gaze fixed on this point.
Alright, so what do you find there ? Just boundless space. A soothing, expansive feeling, a peace, a joy never experienced before ! If you can hold on to this feeling, soon you will find yourself sporting a smile, a smile that is the gateway to the bliss of SELF. Please do let me know what was your experience with your SELF.
There are many different ways for you to choose from to become aware of the Awareness, your True Self, your true power. In the next blog I will continue with it and will also tell you how it all started for me personally.
Thanks. Waiting for your next blog.