Magic spells to bend reality

Friends before we talk about magic spells let me explain what I mean by magic. When something happens that our analytical mind is unable to understand or explain logically we call it magic. So then who is a magician? A magician is a person who makes thing happen which cannot be explained by our conscious mind. Please do not confuse our magician with people who, for the purpose of entertainment, use sleight of hand to vanish things and make it reappear for your pleasure.

You already know that each one of us is a born magician with the power to create our desire/dream out of thin air without lifting a finger. Of course, as it is a choice, we need to choose to use this inherent power to create easily, effortlessly, even instantaneously !

So let us use this inherent power to cast magical spells and see it change the thing or the circumstance to our desired version, in other words, make it dance to our tune to bend reality.

For an example, you are going for an interview. You have heard a lot about the person who is to interview you. He/she has a reputation of being very curt and quite often summarily dismisses the applicant.

Now choose to cast a magic spell by summoning the mysterious power of words. Carefully choose a word that describes your desired end result of the interview. You can use words like successful or excellent or exciting or happy or whatever resonates with you.

Next, take three slow deep breaths. Exhale with a sound of ‘Huh’.Now say ‘For my highest good I cast a spell for the interview. SMILE. With love in my heart I cast the spell with my chosen word ‘Success’. After a couple of seconds exhale with the sound ‘Huh’ and say ‘Yes, here and now it is done.’ Remember to say your chosen word with utmost conviction in your inherent power to create.

If you would like to make it more interesting and fun, after saying the chosen word you can intone (like Harry Potter) ABRA-CA-DABRA, I create as I speak, with a wand (for your information the creative power is in you, not in the wand).

Another example. You have just heard a dear friend of yours is hospitalized with suspected tumor or whatever. You only need to carefully choose the word that describes your desired end result for your friend. Now go through the same process as above. You may repeat the process if something within you prods you to do it again.

So, you may be wondering why can’t everyone cast magic spells to bend reality at will ? Friends, for successfully casting magic spells you must :-

1.KNOW that you, and only you are the creator of your so called reality, whether you did it consciously or unconsciously, whether you like it or dislike it, it was created by you.

2.You can cast spell only with unconditional love in your heart. You don’t do it as a chore. You do it with joy in your heart with a smile and love for the person you are doing it for.

The easiest way to feel unconditional love and joy is to be consciously aware of your True Self, the big “I” as I call it.

In my next blog I will explain about your True Self and how to be consciously aware of it 24/7.

As always, your questions are welcome.

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