Cheated? Scammed? No way !
Friends you know you are the creator of your so called physical reality. Why do I say “so called” ? Well, I call it “so called” because it is actually not so. It is the perception of our ego mind, not the reality.
Anyway, I digress. So, you create by your thoughts, your focus, your imagination, your belief and the most important of the lot, your feeling.
For example, if you have a desire you wish to manifest in your physical reality you focus on it, you think, your imagine and finally feel you already have it before it does in your physical reality. But remember, you also need to maintain a joyous emotion for manifesting your desire. Feeling angry, frustrated or unhappy will sabotage the manifestation of your desire.
So, to create anything you need to be happily or un-happily focused on it as well as believe in it. So, then, to be cheated or scammed you need to believe in it and be thinking and expecting it to happen in your life, and of course, feeling un-happy about it.
Well friends, the stage is set , and later on you will relish saying “I told you so”. Yes, you were right but remember, YOU created it! Ugh ! Difficult to believe but that is how it works.
Gladiator says “You are the ultimate magician. You can create by thought alone out of thin air, and without lifting a finger to do so.” So, let us follow him if you do not wish to be cheated or scammed in future.
You need to remember the following points :-
1.Do not believe that everyone out there is just waiting to cheat/scam you. There are good, kind and generous people in the world. Believe it and change your belief. By changing your belief, you will change the people you inter-act with in future.You will be surprised friends at the power of your thoughts and beliefs.
2.Do not focus or listen to the news or people who love to talk about ‘who’ or ‘how’ people are being cheated.
3.Do not waste your energy in researching ways to out-smart the scammer because it will keep you focused on scams and may attract more of scams in your life.
4.The smartest way to keep the cheaters and scammers at bay is by maintaining a high vibration, by feeling good all the time, by ignoring the perceived reality. Find something that makes you smile, that will do the trick.
So, friends I encourage you to practice it. Changing your belief may take time but is doable.
Enjoy !
Thanks. You have summarised it very well. It is doable and worth practice.