I once heard Rupert Spira say something like this –
” Happiness is the absence of resisting and seeking ”
First let us talk about resistance. You cannot be truly happy if you are in resistance of something which is already in your life. You resist something, someone or some circumstance only when you do not want it to be there. But by your continued focus on it, you are rather empowering it ! That means, you would have more of it and less of happiness ! The amount of energy, you would invest in resisting it, could have been used to create/manifest your desire.
Now let us talk about seeking. So, what is the down side of seeking ? You declare yourself to be a seeker of something you would want to be or to have. Right ? But, that means you are, at the same time, also declaring you do not have it YET. Ah, well, aren’t you holding your happiness a hostage till eternity…..till the seeker in you decides not to remain a seeker but to become it ?
Formula for creating your desire/dream is – 1.Dream, 2- Follow your dream, 3- live the life of your dream, there isn’t an option for seeking your dream ! When you follow your dream you FEEL you already have it, you become it, because the power of assumption kicks in and nothing remains for you to doubt or seek. You assume it is already so!
So, friends, if you consider yourself as a seeker, think again.
Thanks. Profound! But I think you may need to clarify Steps 2 and 3 of the Formula for creating our desires/dreams.