What or who stands between you and your dream ? You ! You and you alone my friends, who else can ? Take it from me, you are the creator of your perceived reality, of course with a little help from the Quantum Field. This truth is so empowering in itself, but surprisingly very few people have taken the trouble of testing the veracity of this bold statement.
I encourage you to experiment with it. There is nothing to lose only to gain.
So, how is that invisible wall created between you and your desire ? What is the reason behind it ? Well, the answer to it is – arrogance of your analytical mind to think it knows better than your True Self who, from time to time, nudges you towards your desires. Of course your analytical mind works under a matrix of fear based on its memory of the past and wants to keep you safe. It does not want you to take any risk for your dreams.
Sadly your conscious mind, the little ” i ” , is disconnected from the big ” I ” , your True self, your inner magician within your heart, with unimaginable powers that every human is born with. So, you keep playing small. You live in survival mode without ever reaching your true potential.
But as you are a spark of the Creator Itself there is an inherent desire in you to create and experience your creation. So, friends, break the chains of self-imposed powerlessness. You have been provided with un comprehensible powers to create anything you can think of or ever wish to create.
Friends, dare to acknowledge you are the creator of your reality, feel the high vibration of the creator within you and no wall would be high enough to stand between you and your dreams !
Thanks for the clarification. Your posts help by showing the path. Thanks.