Hey my friends, what did you choose to be today ??
Oh yes, believe me, you get options to choose from ! From one moment to another, consciously or un-consciously, you keep deciding the dominant quality of the day. When you wake up feeling loving and happy, you can be sure you are vibrating at a high frequency and so you will have an easy, effortless and most probably, a successful day. And the day when you vibrate at a denser frequency, you would be feeling angry, disappointed, judgemental, victimized and your day would be riddled with problems, disharmony, conflict etc. which you usually describe as – ” everything went wrong “.
So, to ensure that you always have days which you can describe as – “everything went right ” , first thing in the morning, raise your vibration by declaring aloud – “I CHOOSE to be happy today”. Close your eyes, SMILE and be with the feeling created by the statement in your body. Stay in the feeling for as long as it lasts.
To make the practice more powerful and effective, repeat it as often as possible during the day. It takes only a minute or two to do it and it can be done anytime and anywhere. You can do it silently if people are around you.
Have fun!